اختبار الكتروني في EMSAT Practice – Reading Comprehension - المناهج الإماراتية
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اختبار الكتروني في EMSAT Practice – Reading Comprehension

Test Number 298
الصف العاشر
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الأول
Points 44
Publishing date 2024-07-10 15:57:22
Views: 324
Added by: Amal Salman

اختبار الكتروني في EMSAT Practice – Reading Comprehension

EMSAT Practice – Reading Comprehension

This test is designed to help 10th-grade students practice their reading comprehension skills as part of the EMSAT exam preparation. It covers various reading passages and questions that test the students' ability to understand and interpret different texts. The test follows the curriculum guidelines and aims to prepare students for their EMSAT exams.

Elhadji Mohammed Koumama is a member of the Tuareg people. Long ago, the Tuareg were a group of people who once lived as nomads in the Sahara Desert. Like most of the Tuareg people, his skin is dyed blue from the traditional blue clothes that he wears. He is married to one woman and the father of six children. They are three boys and three girls. As the father, he is the leader of the family. He is also the provider. To provide for his family, he practices the traditional Tuareg art of jewelry making. Elhadji says that his ancestors have been jewelers for thousands of years. These days, the Tuareg are no longer nomads. They mostly live in modern cities and work modern jobs, but Elhadji continues to make his jewelry in the traditional way. He uses just a few simple tools like a file, a hammer and a bellows. A bellows is a machine for blowing air on coals to make them hot. His traditional bellows is made of goatskin. According to Tuareg tradition, jewelers have special powers because they can touch fire when they make their jewelry. Maybe Elhadji actually has special powers. Maybe he really doesn't. But, he can make beautiful jewelry out of silver. He makes his silver jewelry by the ancient “lost wax” method. First, Elhadji molds by hand the shape he wants out of some wax. Next, he covers the wax shape with a layer of clay. When the clay is dry and hard, he puts it in a fire. The fire cooks the clay and melts the wax. The wax runs out of the clay into the fire. Next, Elhadji melts some silver and pours it into the clay form, called a mold. When the silver is hard, he breaks open the mold with his small hammer. Finally, he takes the piece of silver and finishes it. He uses a small file to make the piece smooth, then he uses a normal screwdriver to draw designs on the silver. In Tuareg communities, the people say that only women should wear silver. This is because Tuareg tradition says that it is bad luck for men to wear silver. Sometimes, Elhadji does not follow the Tuareg tradition and wears the best examples of his silver work. However, Elhadji makes his beautiful jewelry in the traditional Tuareg way and says that making silver jewelry is "a tradition forever".

1) Who are the people of Elhadji Mohammed Koumama? Points: 2
2) What does the word “provider” mean? (Paragraph 1, line4 -5) Points: 2
3) Which of the following is NOT a tool of Elhadji? Points: 2
4) What does a bellows do? Points: 2
5) When Elhadji makes jewelry, wax is _________. Points: 2
6) Elhadji makes his jewelry out of __________. Points: 2
7) What does Elhadji use the file to do? Points: 2
8) What does Elhadji use to make designs on his jewelry? Points: 2
9) According to Tuareg tradition, only ____________ wear silver. Points: 2
10) The Inuit, like the Bedu and the Tuaregof Arabia, were nomads. Then their lives changed. In the 1950's, the government of Canada stopped the Inuit from moving around with the seasons and moved them into modern houses. They stopped being nomads. Many Inuit stopped living in the old ways. Food: The Inuit were great hunters before the 1950's. They had lots of sea and land animals to hunt. The most important of these were the caribou and the seal. These two animals were the Inuits’ main food. Their oil was used for cooking and lamps. The Inuit ate mostly meat because plants are scarce in the Arctic. In the summer, they also gathered berries and other plants Clothing: The Inuit needed clothing that was warm and waterproof. Seal and walrus intestine are waterproof, so the Inuit used the intestines to make waterproof clothing. This kept the people dry, which was important because water freezes quickly in the North. People can get into a lot of trouble if they get wet in the Arctic and then freeze. The Inuit also made large coats of caribou fur to wear in the cold winter. Shelter: In the past, the Inuit had a summer home and a winter home. In the summer, the Inuit often lived in tents. They made the tents from caribou skin and wood. In the winter, many Inuit lived in sod homes. They would dig a hole in the ground and pile rocks and sod all around the outside to make walls. Pieces of wood or whalebone were used as a frame for the roof, which the Inuit then covered with sod. The Inuit also invented igloos. An igloo is built of snow shaped into a dome. They were mostly used as temporary shelter during winter hunting trips. Transportation: One of the things that the Inuit used to go places was the kayak. This boat was originally made from seal skins. It is perfectly balanced so that a person can sit in a hole in the middle. The Inuit used a single paddle that was wide at both ends. The kayak was used to catch seals and chase caribou. An even larger boat the Inuit built was the umiaq. It was something like a large rowboat and could be used to catch whales and walrus. Still another form of transportation was the dog sled. The Inuit traveled on a sled pulled by a dog team. They could travel long distances this way. The dog sled is not used very much anymore. It has been replaced by the snowmobile. Much like the dogsled, many of the old ways of the Inuit have been replaced with modern ways. Points: 2
11) Where did the Inuit live? Points: 2
12) What is a “nomad”? Points: 2
13) What did Inuit people eat a lot? Points: 2
14) What did the Inuit make for winter clothes? Points: 2
15) What does “waterproof” mean? Points: 2
16) What is an “igloo”? Points: 2
17) An igloo is made of ______________. Points: 2
18) A kayak is a kind of _____________. Points: 2
19) Which animal was not hunted from a kayak? Points: 2
20) The Inuit way of life before the 1950’s was ________. Points: 2
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في الصف العاشر
final فيزياء ️ 49
final لغة انجليزية ️ 37
keys فيزياء ️ 37
exams فيزياء ️ 24
notes فيزياء ️ 17
reports لغة عربية ️ 17
ملف علوم ️ 17
Grammar لغة انجليزية ️ 16
final تربية اسلامية ️ 15
sheets لغة عربية ️ 15
keys لغة عربية ️ 13
misc لغة عربية ️ 13
misc فيزياء ️ 12
misc رياضيات ️ 11
book فيزياء ️ 11
english فيزياء ️ 11
Coverage لغة انجليزية ️ 11
keys رياضيات ️ 10
misc لغة انجليزية ️ 10
الوزاري علوم ️ 10

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للمزيد من ملفات الصف العاشر
البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم الصف العاشر, الفصل الأول ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
لغة عربية 133
تربية اسلامية 70
اجتماعيات 57
أخبار 10
الامتحانات 10
كيمياء 8
فيزياء 5
مناهج عربية 4
تربية بدنية 4
تربية أخلاقية 3
علوم 3
رياضيات 3
تصميم 3
المدارس 1
برنامج تمكين 1
المناهج 1