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Online test about reading comprehension test

Test Number 324
الصف السادس
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الأول
Points 100
Publishing date 2024-09-22 21:02:30
Views: 476
By Amal Salman
Added by: Amal Salman

reading comprehension test

Note: The following reading passages are linked to their respective question sections:
- The first passage (Desert Trip) is linked to questions in the first section.
- The second passage (Protecting Wildlife in Every Weather) is linked to questions in the second section.
- The third passage (Technology Development) is linked to questions in the third section.

Reading Comprehension 1: A Desert Trip
One day, Ali went to the crowded supermarket, shopping for his next road trip. As he drove away from the city, he enjoyed the freedom of the open road. The countryside gave way to the sandy views of the desert, filling him with joy at the beautiful, harsh landscape.
As the sun set, Ali was watching the sky turn pink and orange. He set up camp for the night, sleeping under the stars and feeling grateful for the peace and freedom the journey had brought him. The calm sound of the desert winds whispered around him, took him into a deep, peaceful sleep.
When he awoke, the morning sky was filled with the soft glow of dawn. Ali smiled to himself, ready to explore the wonders of the desert and discover the secrets of the landscape. The adventure had just begun, and he knew there were more breathtaking sights and experiences waiting for him in the days ahead.

Reading Comprehension 2: Protecting Wildlife in Every Weather
In a sunny town, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known for her love of nature and looking after the environment around her. She would spend hours each day planting flowers, picking up litter, and ensuring that the wildlife in her town was safe.
One particularly windy day, Lily noticed something strange happening in the forest near her home. Dark clouds began to gather, and the wind picked up speed, making the trees sway dangerously. Concerned for the safety of the animals that lived in the forest, Lily decided to investigate.
Lily determined to look after the creatures that live in the forest. As she was walking through the forest, she suddenly heard a loud noise coming from a nearby tree. Carefully, she approached and discovered a small bird trapped in a tangle of branches.
Without hesitation, Lily helped the bird and put it on her hands. As she looked into its eyes, she knew she had done the right thing by venturing out in the dangerous weather to help.

Reading Comprehension 3: Technology Development
In the modern age, our lives revolve around mobile phones and television screens. We quickly check the temperature on our phones before deciding what to wear for the drive to work or school.
The history of communication technology is fascinating, from early radios and televisions to the sleek smartphones we carry today. These devices have revolutionized how we access information, entertain ourselves, and stay connected with others near and far.
As we navigate our busy lives with mobile phones in hand, it's remarkable to think how far we've come and how rapidly technology continues to develop.
1) What is the main idea of the first paragraph? Points: 1
2) What motivated Lily to investigate the strange weather in the forest? Points: 1
3) What is the main idea of the second paragraph? Points: 1
4) How did Lily react when she found the bird trapped in the tree? Points: 1
5) What lesson did Lily learn from her experience in the forest? Points: 1
6) What is the main idea of the text? Points: 1
7) What role do mobile phones play in our daily routines? Points: 1
8) What part of technology is highlighted in the text? Points: 1
9) What is the significance of mobile phones and television screens in modern life? Points: 1
10) What is the main idea of the text? Points: 1
11) Why did Ali go to the crowded supermarket? Points: 1
12) How did Ali feel as he drove away from the city? Points: 1
13) What did Ali do when the sun set? Points: 1
14) What sound helped Ali fall into a deep, peaceful sleep? Points: 1
15) How did Ali feel when he woke up in the morning? Points: 1
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