اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM G6 T3 - المناهج الإماراتية
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اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM G6 T3

Test Number 320
الصف السادس
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Points 25
Publishing date 2024-07-24 21:54:38
Views: 107
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اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM G6 T3

This exam focuses on understanding and analyzing texts related to different topics, such as the importance of the wheel, tornadoes, and a film review. Students are required to read the texts, answer comprehension questions, and fill in missing information.
1) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
2) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
3) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
4) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
5) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
6) Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem very small for us. If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily. This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are called ‘cogs’. There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons. Points: 1
7) Tornadoes are not very dangerous Points: 1
8) Tornadoes only happen in America. Points: 1
9) Tornadoes can be different colours. Points: 1
10) If there is a tornado, you should find shelter near a window. Points: 1
11) You should cover your head with a mattress or blanket. Points: 1
12) You shouldn’t leave your shelter until the tornado is over. Points: 1
13) Type of film is Points: 1
14) Setting: a galaxy in Points: 1
15) Plot: a/an gets lost and meets a monster Points: 1
16) Good points: the were amazing Points: 1
17) Bad points: some long scenes that are a little Points: 1
18) Fun fact: people screamed during the version of the film Points: 1
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في الصف السادس
sheets اجتماعيات ️ 25
quizzes رياضيات ️ 14
guide لغة انجليزية ️ 12
مراجعة علوم ️ 12
notes لغة انجليزية ️ 10
guide تربية اسلامية ️ 9
final لغة انجليزية ️ 9
misc لغة عربية ️ 8
الوحدة_السادسة علوم ️ 8
دليل_الطالب رياضيات ️ 7
keys لغة عربية ️ 7
guide اجتماعيات ️ 7
مراجعة رياضيات ️ 6
exams لغة انجليزية ️ 6
sheets رياضيات ️ 6
misc رياضيات ️ 6
reports علوم ️ 6
sheets لغة عربية ️ 6
files لغة عربية ️ 6
keys لغة انجليزية ️ 6

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للمزيد من ملفات الصف السادس
البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم الصف السادس, الفصل الثالث ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
رياضيات 149
لغة عربية 139
علوم 108
اجتماعيات 85
تربية اسلامية 59
الامتحانات 10
تصميم 7
تربية أخلاقية 3
المدارس 1
التعلم عن بعد 1