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Online test about Basic English Practice Term 3 Revision

Test Number: 312
الصف السادس
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Points 15
Publishing date 2024-07-12 12:40:44
Views: 72
Added by: Amal Salman

Basic English Practice Term 3 Revision

شرح الدرس

As part of The ministry of Education smart transformation initiatives, this online quiz was created to help learners develop their 21st Century Skills as well as their English Language Skills. It targets Reading G4_G8 Unified Test: LS, Access & General /Part 1, in Support of The English Language Test Specifications/ Grades 4-8/ Term 3. EMI Department/Academic Year 2018/2019 Reading Literacy Skills Level 1 CEFR A1.1-A1.2 Reference: Literacy Skills Book, page: 180-181/ Ministry of Education/ United Arab Emirates. Created by: Teacher Trainer/ Samaa Abdelghany Published on 21/6/2019 Feedback sent to email: ** Instructions: 1- Read, watch & answer all questions. 2. Click Submit. 3- Click View results. 4- Click Submit another response for getting better score.

1) The past simple tells us about things that happened in the past and finished. Points: 1
2) Watch the video. Select all key words that indicate past actions Points: 1
3) I ________ football yesterday. Points: 1
4) She _____________ a film last night. Points: 1
5) The past simple tells us about things that happened in the past and finished.
Points: 1
6) Watch the video. Select all key words that indicate past actions Points: 1
7) Who __________ the cookies? Points: 1
8) __________ you do your homework? Points: 1
9) I __________ find my book. I will buy another one. Points: 1
10) My brother _________ a new car. Points: 1
11) The traffic was bad, so I __________ late at school. Points: 1
There is no available answers for this test, please visit this page later.

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