اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي فصل ثالث 2021 - المناهج الإماراتية
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اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي فصل ثالث 2021

Test Number 131
الصف الخامس
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Publishing date 2021-06-13 08:11:17
Views: 3056
Added by: Asif

اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي فصل ثالث 2021

1) 1 Read the text and answer the questions. Experiments A Experiment. In our science lesson this week we did three experiments. In the first experiment we had a bowl of water. We put an egg in it and it went to the bottom of the bowl. Then we put some salt in the water. The egg went to the top! It was really easy to do, so the teacher didn’t have to help us. When we got home, we taught our brothers and sisters how to do it. B Experiment Two In the next experiment we wanted to see how strong eggs are. We put some eggs in some sand. The teacher helped us because we had to be very careful. Then we put some books on top of the eggs. I was worried. I thought the eggs might break but they didn’t! It was amazing. After the experiment we wrote some instructions for it at home. C Experiment Three In the last experiment we didn’t need eggs, only sugar and water. We put cold water and sugar in a glass. Then the teacher gave us a glass of hot water with sugar. The sugar in the hot water disappeared more quickly than the sugar in the cold water. I knew why this happened because my brother did it last year. For our homework next week, we have to prepare a talk about it to the class. Choose the best paragraph for each question. Which experiment didn’t use eggs? Points: 1
2) 2 Read the text and answer the questions. Experiments A Experiment. In our science lesson this week we did three experiments. In the first experiment we had a bowl of water. We put an egg in it and it went to the bottom of the bowl. Then we put some salt in the water. The egg went to the top! It was really easy to do, so the teacher didn’t have to help us. When we got home, we taught our brothers and sisters how to do it. B Experiment Two In the next experiment we wanted to see how strong eggs are. We put some eggs in some sand. The teacher helped us because we had to be very careful. Then we put some books on top of the eggs. I was worried. I thought the eggs might break but they didn’t! It was amazing. After the experiment we wrote some instructions for it at home. C Experiment Three In the last experiment we didn’t need eggs, only sugar and water. We put cold water and sugar in a glass. Then the teacher gave us a glass of hot water with sugar. The sugar in the hot water disappeared more quickly than the sugar in the cold water. I knew why this happened because my brother did it last year. For our homework next week, we have to prepare a talk about it to the class. Choose the best paragraph for each question. Which experiment didn’t use water? Points: 1
3) 3 Read the text and answer the questions. Experiments A Experiment. In our science lesson this week we did three experiments. In the first experiment we had a bowl of water. We put an egg in it and it went to the bottom of the bowl. Then we put some salt in the water. The egg went to the top! It was really easy to do, so the teacher didn’t have to help us. When we got home, we taught our brothers and sisters how to do it. B Experiment Two In the next experiment we wanted to see how strong eggs are. We put some eggs in some sand. The teacher helped us because we had to be very careful. Then we put some books on top of the eggs. I was worried. I thought the eggs might break but they didn’t! It was amazing. After the experiment we wrote some instructions for it at home. C Experiment Three In the last experiment we didn’t need eggs, only sugar and water. We put cold water and sugar in a glass. Then the teacher gave us a glass of hot water with sugar. The sugar in the hot water disappeared more quickly than the sugar in the cold water. I knew why this happened because my brother did it last year. For our homework next week, we have to prepare a talk about it to the class. Choose the best paragraph for each question. Which experiment did they write about for homework? Points: 1
4) 4 Read the text and answer the questions. Experiments A Experiment. In our science lesson this week we did three experiments. In the first experiment we had a bowl of water. We put an egg in it and it went to the bottom of the bowl. Then we put some salt in the water. The egg went to the top! It was really easy to do, so the teacher didn’t have to help us. When we got home, we taught our brothers and sisters how to do it. B Experiment Two In the next experiment we wanted to see how strong eggs are. We put some eggs in some sand. The teacher helped us because we had to be very careful. Then we put some books on top of the eggs. I was worried. I thought the eggs might break but they didn’t! It was amazing. After the experiment we wrote some instructions for it at home. C Experiment Three In the last experiment we didn’t need eggs, only sugar and water. We put cold water and sugar in a glass. Then the teacher gave us a glass of hot water with sugar. The sugar in the hot water disappeared more quickly than the sugar in the cold water. I knew why this happened because my brother did it last year. For our homework next week, we have to prepare a talk about it to the class. Choose the best paragraph for each question. Which experiment did they teach to their family? Points: 1
5) Read the text and answer the questions. Marie Curie I think Marie Curie was an important scientist. She did not invent anything, but the discoveries that she made and wrote about have changed the world. Her parents were teachers. They both helped Maria with her studies, but it was her father who was especially good at Maths and Physics. He let Marie use his microscope to look at microscopic beings. This made her very interested in science too. When she went to University, she met a man who was also studying Chemistry. His name was Pierre. After university they got married and spent most of their time in their laboratory. Marie was very interested in medicine and wanted to make new medicines that would help treat diseases. Her sister, mother and father died when she was still young. This made her want to find better medicines. After lots of hard work she discovered two new chemicals which doctors were able to use as medicines. The chemicals she worked with were very dangerous. She kept working even though these chemicals made her very sick. Marie Curie was an important-------------------- Points: 1
6) Points: 1
7) Points: 1
8) Points: 1
9) Points: 1
10) Points: 1
11) Points: 1
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في الصف الخامس
exams اجتماعيات ️ 72
sheets اجتماعيات ️ 47
final اجتماعيات ️ 36
quizzes اجتماعيات ️ 28
keys اجتماعيات ️ 24
quizzes اجتماعيات ️ 16
sheets تربية اسلامية ️ 15
مشروع رياضيات ️ 15
misc اجتماعيات ️ 14
slides لغة انجليزية ️ 13
reports اجتماعيات ️ 12
متبوع اجتماعيات ️ 11
guide لغة انجليزية ️ 10
كتاب_الطالب لغة انجليزية ️ 10
reports لغة انجليزية ️ 10
final الامتحانات ️ 9
notes اجتماعيات ️ 8
notes لغة انجليزية ️ 8
لمهارات اجتماعيات ️ 8
بامتحان اجتماعيات ️ 8

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5. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أحكام التجويد في سورة عبس وسورة النازعات
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7. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أسئلة مراجعة نهائية اختيار من متعدد
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8. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل الاختبار التدريبي على دروس الامتحان الوزاري
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10. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, 80 سؤال لمراجعة هيكل التربية الإسلامية + الحل
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11. اجتماعيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مذكرة مراجعة وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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12. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل أسئلة مراجعة وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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13. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل النموذج التدريبي للاختبار النهائي وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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14. تربية اسلامية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, النموذج التدريبي للاختبار النهائي وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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15. اجتماعيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل النموذج التدريبي للاختبار النهائي وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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للمزيد من ملفات الصف الخامس
البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم الصف الخامس, الفصل الثالث ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
رياضيات 140
لغة عربية 132
علوم 124
اجتماعيات 60
تربية اسلامية 58
الامتحانات 12
تصميم 12
تربية أخلاقية 4
لغة إنجليزية 2
التعلم عن بعد 1