اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي نهائي فصل ثالث 2021 - المناهج الإماراتية
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اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي نهائي فصل ثالث 2021

Test Number 129
الصف الرابع
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Publishing date 2021-06-08 11:58:24
Views: 3154
By المدرس
Added by: Asif

اختبار الكتروني في تدريبي نهائي فصل ثالث 2021

1) the text. Choose the correct answer for space 2 My best friend is Saif. Saif is the tallest. A boy in our English class, I’m much 1. ____ than him, but I will grow one day! Saif is very healthy and strong. He does a lot of 2. ____. We are similar in some ways. We both love Italian food. Saif’s favourite food is pizza, he says that he loves the 3. ____ of pizza when it is cooking. I like pasta, it 4. ____ delicious, but Saif says I chew too loudly when I eat pasta. He is funny! Saif is a very 5. ____ person, he shares his toys with me. He has some bad characteristics too. He is 6. ____, he doesn’t like waiting and he gets angry sometimes. Points: 1
2) the text. Choose the correct answer for space 4 My best friend is Saif. Saif is the tallest. A boy in our English class, I’m much 1. ____ than him, but I will grow one day! Saif is very healthy and strong. He does a lot of 2. ____. We are similar in some ways. We both love Italian food. Saif’s favourite food is pizza, he says that he loves the 3. ____ of pizza when it is cooking. I like pasta, it 4. ____ delicious, but Saif says I chew too loudly when I eat pasta. He is funny! Saif is a very 5. ____ person, he shares his toys with me. He has some bad characteristics too. He is 6. ____, he doesn’t like waiting and he gets angry sometimes. Points: 1
3) the text. Choose the correct answer for space 5 My best friend is Saif. Saif is the tallest. A boy in our English class, I’m much 1. ____ than him, but I will grow one day! Saif is very healthy and strong. He does a lot of 2. ____. We are similar in some ways. We both love Italian food. Saif’s favourite food is pizza, he says that he loves the 3. ____ of pizza when it is cooking. I like pasta, it 4. ____ delicious, but Saif says I chew too loudly when I eat pasta. He is funny! Saif is a very 5. ____ person, he shares his toys with me. He has some bad characteristics too. He is 6. ____, he doesn’t like waiting and he gets angry sometimes. Points: 1
4) is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. What is a good title for the text? Points: 1
5) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. At what age did Nisreen begin inventing things? Points: 1
6) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. Why is Nisreen’s laundry basket special? Points: 1
7) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. Which family member did Nisreen help second? Points: 1
8) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. What can the robot with brushes, a motor and batteries do? Points: 1
9) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. What will Nisreen do in the future? Points: 1
10) the text about Nisreen and choose the correct answers. Nisreen is a twelve-year-old inventor from Ajman. She started inventing when she was eight. First, she helped her mother with a new kind of laundry basket. The laundry basket has long arms that can pick up clothes on the floor. Nisreen also decided to help her sister. It was hard for her sister to clean under the bed. Nisreen built a robot to do the job. The robot is small so it can go to places that are hard for her sister to reach. It has a brush, a motor and batteries. Nisreen is still inventing things to help her family. When she is eighteen she wants to go to Sharjah University to study robotics and design a flying jetpack that will help her father to put out fires in skyscrapers. Which word best describes Nisreen’s inventions? Points: 1
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في الصف الرابع
final علوم ️ 38
final تربية اسلامية ️ 30
final لغة عربية ️ 23
sheets علوم ️ 20
misc علوم ️ 20
exams لغة انجليزية ️ 19
final رياضيات ️ 19
final لغة انجليزية ️ 19
bodies لغة انجليزية ️ 17
sheets لغة عربية ️ 16
sheets لغة انجليزية ️ 15
keys علوم ️ 13
مفهوم اجتماعيات ️ 13
misc لغة انجليزية ️ 12
english علوم ️ 12
final اجتماعيات ️ 11
أكسس لغة انجليزية ️ 11
final لغة عربية ️ 11
exams رياضيات ️ 10
notes لغة انجليزية ️ 10

أحدث ملفات الصف الرابع
1. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, الهيكل التنظيمي لامتحان نهاية الفصل وفق الهيكل الوزاري الجديد
قبل 10 ساعات | المشاهدات: 229
2. لغة عربية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة مهارات اللغة العربية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 1 يوم | المشاهدات: 285
3. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة نهائية وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج ريفيل
قبل 1 يوم | المشاهدات: 237
4. لغة عربية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, نموذج تدريبي للاختبار التكويني الثاني نص العصفور السجين
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 184
5. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, نموذج امتحان التقويم الثاني
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 211
6. لغة انجليزية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, نموذج امتحان التقويم الأول
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 231
7. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل أسئلة وتدرببات نهائية منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 203
8. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أسئلة و تدرببات نهائية منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 155
9. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل مراجعة عامة منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 141
10. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة عامة منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 137
11. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل أسئلة مراجعة نهائية منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 118
12. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أسئلة مراجعة نهائية منهج انسباير
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 137
13. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل تدريبات الدرسين الأول والثاني من الوحدة العاشرة منهج ريفيل
قبل 2 أيام | المشاهدات: 83
14. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل مراجعة نهائية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 3 أيام | المشاهدات: 284
15. لغة انجليزية, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة نهائية على شاكلة الاختبار النهائي منهج بريدج
قبل 3 أيام | المشاهدات: 338
للمزيد من ملفات الصف الرابع
البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم الصف الرابع, الفصل الثالث ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
علوم 132
رياضيات 125
لغة عربية 99
تربية اسلامية 63
اجتماعيات 52
الامتحانات 11
تصميم 7
تربية أخلاقية 4
أخبار 2
الدوام 1
تربية بدنية 1