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Online test about Open training Scientist

Test Number: 108
الصف الخامس
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Publishing date 2021-05-14 15:15:05
Views: 2633
Added by: Asif

Open training Scientist

Hello everyone. I want to tell you about my job as a scientist. I usually work in a laboratory 1...... is very big and new, but sometimes I visit hospitals to show doctors new technology. The hospitals are 2....... than the laboratory but I like them. I think being a scientist is 3....... than any other job. At the moment, I am working on something called a "brain scan". This is a picture of a patient s brain, inside their head. The pictures 4...... are taken with this "brain scan machine", make the images 5...... than the ones doctors use at the moment. When I 6...... to one doctor she 7...... : "I can find out quickly what is wrong with my patients using this 8....... technology." My favourite part of the job is helping people. It is an 9..... feeling to know that my work helps people 10........ are sick and helps doctors to make them better.
1) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank1 Points: 1
2) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank2 Points: 1
3) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank3 Points: 1
4) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank4 Points: 1
5) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank5 Points: 1
6) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank6 Points: 1
7) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank7 Points: 1
8) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank8 Points: 1
9) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank9 Points: 1
10) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank10 Points: 1

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