Montessori Albums
The albums are back. My apologies for those who have been patiently waiting. Unfortunately, I have not found the time to make the changes I would still like to make. So, I am re-posting the same exact albums that were here previously. Hopefully, sometime in the near future, I will have the time to make the improvements that are very much needed.
Elementary (6-9 & 9-12)
History Album (Very much in a draft state. I lost the final version some years back, but please have fun with this one.)
Other Montessori Albums out there:
Shu-Chen Jenny Yen 3-6 Albums
Montessori R&D Cost $$ These are good. I have a near full set for Upper El from them. There are no pictures or illustrations in the editions I have from them. I find them complete and clear and are well sequenced.
A Good Blog Post Montessori For Everyone has a good blog post about Montessori Albums.