معلومات الملف: يحتوي هذا الملف على تجميع لأسئلة امسات لطلبة الصف الثاني عشر مع حلول حول عدة أمور منها: vectors Find an angel size Solve one Dimensional motion , _ two dimensional and projectile motion _Use equation of motion_In addition to Problems related to circular motion periodic movement , _Use's newton's law forces vector Forces body diagram _ problems related to: equilbrium problems Pulley problems concept Special Force problems ramb Universal Law of gravitation_And problems related to simple harmonic motion graphing Simple harmonic motion With variety of Energy and work problems that include problems in work , reading force-distance diagram, potential energy, spring and it's energy equations power and it's relation to work and energy, _Those problems also include gravitational potential energy _Problems in variety of linear momentum topics like, ellastic collisions , inelastic collisions concept problems related to it. _Fluid Mechanics Problems that apply's Pascal law's, bernouli's law, presure changes, fluid mechanics concepts |
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