مواضيع متنوعة لجميع الصفوف, أخبار, لغة انجليزية, الفصل الأول, 2018-2019 - المناهج الإماراتية
الملاحظات المثبتة في المناهج الإماراتية
أهلاً بكم جميعاً طلاباً ومدرسين وأهالي طلبة ومهتمين، في قسم دولة الإمارات ، نحن الآن في الفصل الثالث من العام الدراسي 2024/2025 وتاريخ اليوم 2025/03/26 م
📌 جميع الأسئلة الوزارية مع الأجوبة المتوفرة لكل الصفوف الفصل الثاني للعام 2024-2025
📌 الملاحظة القادمة في التقويم المدرسي - الفصل الثاني: إجازة الربيع للطلبة في 2025-03-28
📌 جميع الهياكل الوزارية لجميع الصفوف 2025
أنت هنا: موقع المناهجالمناهج الإماراتية أخبار لغة انجليزية الفصل الأول ملفات متنوعة

مواضيع متنوعة لجميع الصفوف
السابق: كل ما قد يهم الطالب لامتحان الغد (2132017) لجميع الصفوف الملف الحالي: 2245 التالي: حل مباشر للسؤال الخامس من الأسئلة الوزارية: حل تفصيلي لإيجاد قيمتَي الجيب (ساين - sin) والظل (تانجان - tan) لزاوية في مثلث قائم معلوم أطوال أضلاعه
المادة: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الأول
القسم: ملفات متنوعة
العام الدراسي: 2018-2019

معلومات الملف: مواضيع لغة انكليزية متنوعة لجميع الصفوف

الحجم: 0
تاريخ إضافة الملف: 2019-04-19 07:04:32 بتوقيت غرينتش
عدد المشاهدات: 1390
توقيت آخر زيارة للملف: 2025-03-24 21:55:50
تمت إضافته بواسطة: aml987
صورة تعبيرية من الملف:

A robot is a machinethat does tasks without the help of a person. Many people think of robots as machines that look and act like people. Most robots, though, do not look like people. And robots do only what a person has built them to do.
Most robots are computer-controlled devices with many parts. An industrial robot, for example, is an armlike machine that can turn at several joints. It has a handlike part to grasp and hold things. Motors move the parts.
Some robots can be “taught” to do a job. For example, a person might guide an industrial robot through the movements needed to do something. Sensors on the robot send signals about the movements to the computer. The computer stores the pattern of movements. Later the computer can retrieve the pattern and tell the robot what to do.
Most industrial robots are used in factories. Some robots load, move, and unload materials. Others are used on assembly lines to help build things such as cars and appliances.

Robots are especially useful because they can do things that could be dangerous for people. For example, they can be sent deep underwater or into space. Robots can also handle dangerous materials such as radioactive waste or harmful chemicals. They can even dispose of bombs or do spy work for the military


I've already voted in my favorite dinosaur, but I was hoping I would be allowed to post why I think T-rex is so popular. While we now know it wasn't the biggest carnivorous dinosaur, for decades it has held that title, and a newly discovered specimen might just win it back. It has a great name ("tyrant lizard king") and is one of the few dinos with a "nickname". Giganotosauruus and Carcharodontosaurus are awfully long. Also, it lived in North America, and literally once roamed our backyards (at least in the case of USA and CAN). More scientific reasons it SHOULD be popular are that it was more closely related to birds than the carnosaurs, was more likely to have had feathers or proto-feathers at some point in its life, and, judging by its affinities with the troodonts and the ostrich dinos, was probably much faster and smarter than the more primitive carnosaurs. Also, I'll admit, it's better known, but if someone wants to try and change that they should write a book featuring another dinosaur. (As was the case of Velociraptor.) Being old school, though, I'm glad to see the classics haven't died.


Diplodocus) is a huge dinosaur eat plants belongs to sauropodomorpha lived in the Jurassic era in North America about 150 million years ago, with a length of 26 meters, and weighs 10,000 kg.
He has known this giant dinosaur that longer Danassourakchw yet. It had a very long neck and tail too long and was rear legs longer than the front legs. Scientists have confirmed that Dablodjelkos was pushing trees Bsakana front based on their hind legs and signed to the ground and then eat the leaves from the ground. But he has small teeth, a very small head and this is what has surprised scientists, where they expected it eats on Bstmrar to keep this giant alive, has Dablodjelkos used its tail deadly and powerful weapon, and some scientists have confirmed that the swing tail speed faster than sound.


Teen is the age between 11-21,which are difficult years ,
Many challenges and problems may happen for a teenager ,they become nervous,rebellion,moody,and shame and also this age is difficult for parents to deal with their kids .Because some of them can be disobedient , and they can become closer to others than their parents.
,complaining from families with teenagers are common,for example
parents complain from the lack of help from teens in the house

.or not listening to their advices ,their friends ,the strange style of them,and that they don't study enough On the other hand,teens say that the parents do not respect them and that they became grownups
and they always complain about their friends .  
At the end parents must try to understand their teens and gives them some privacy, after all its a temporary stage that will pass .


Nowadays, teenagers have changed in comparison with the teens in the past, taking into account eating habits, an active way of life, spending free time and clothes. They are a “technology” generation. For teens in todays’ world mobile phones, internet, music, movies, television and video games are very important. Most teenagers prefer watching TV and playing computer games to reading books. They don’t like reading because watching TV is easier and they don’t have to use their own imagination. Computer games teach but they are also harmful to health. Teenagers prefer to spend free time in front of a computer rather than to walk, play football or go to a swimming pool. Moreover, games transfer them into the world which doesn’t exist. It is very exciting for the youth. They meet with friends in such places as McDonalds. Teens eat there unhealthy food. They eat too much fast food.


  Every teenager needs a balanced diet, appropriate personal hygiene and physical activities in the fresh air, for example, playing a ball, going running, swimming, driving on the bicycle, playing in tennis or walking. This should be for them more interesting than sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV because such a mode of life leads to the improvement of mood, health and physical shape.. Young people choose less healthy kinds of entertainment than sport, putting away bicycles in the corner. They eat too much fast, unhealthy food, which is very fatty and drink too many sugary drinks. This leads to obesity. However, nowadays young people, especially girls, allow themselves to grow fat, or torture themselves with diets, which leads to various diseases with physical basis like anorexia and bulimia. Young people must not give up food, especially breakfasts because skipping breakfast is a frequent cause of fainting which can cause frequent complications and even leads to death. It is crucial to limit the amount they eat, but only in a reasonable way, if at all possible after the consultation with the dietician. Young people have to remember, that a healthy lifestyle requires appropriate nourishment, but they also must not forget about personal hygiene.
Personal hygiene plays a very important role in healthy lifestyle. It should be an indispensable element in the life of every young man. Its task is the maintenance and strengthening of health. Notable part of young people think that taking a shower once a week, wearing sweaty clothes and splashing over them with a deodorant is proper, but it is not. For example, before a young man goes to bed, he should develop a habit of not being able to fall asleep without having a bath first. Everyday toilet will prevent skin diseases as complexion of every person requires systematic nurturing: washing in soft water, abrasion, creaming and protecting before diseases. Therefore personal hygiene institutes an important part of healthy lifestyle and it cannot be skipped, just like physical activity.
Physical activity has a large influence on young people lifestyle. Physical activity improves health condition in various ways. It helps the organism to utilize the calories better, which helps to maintain a desirable weight. Physical activity reduces the appetite and helps in the reduction of the fatty mass of the body. The beneficial influence of physical activity on health mood does not raise any doubts any more. The research reveals that regular training among the youth( and not only, but also by people at any age) is an important factor improving the health. However, too little popularity of psychical activities among the young people is a huge problem. It is a frequent and more and more general problem and causes various diseases such as: heart failure, lungs deficiency, spine problems etc.
Here is a list of advantages of physical activity:
• reduces the risk of heart diseases
• protects before the osteoporosis,
• burning the calorie intensifies,
• favours the masses of the body to lowering and maintenance of the desirable weight,
• leads to the growth of the basic transformation of the matter,
• re
Teen is the age between 11-21,which are difficult years ,
Many challenges and problems may happen for a teenager ,they become nervous,rebellion,moody,and shame and also this age is difficult for parents to deal with their kids .Because some of them can be disobedient , and they can become closer to others than their parents.
,complaining from families with teenagers are common,for example
parents complain from the lack of help from teens in the house

.or not listening to their advices ,their friends ,the strange style of them,and that they don't study enough On the other hand,teens say that the parents do not respect them and that they became grownups
and they always complain about their friends .  
At the end parents must try to understand their teens and gives them some privacy, after all its a temporary stage that will pass .



Rights and has been for many years suffered from natural disasters that leave behind devastating effects of property and population and was difficult for States to face such disasters to lack of facilities available or non-existent, making the losses are fictional,
Natural disasters are a plague or significant damage caused by a natural event in closed risk (hazardous), such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural phenomena, which caused substantial damage to property and human beings, in the event of natural phenomena in uninhabited areas are not called natural disasters. Different disasters by percentage of population surrounding the phenomenon of natural or midwife involve risk, many of the communities living near the volcano has a history as a devastating event in Mumbai and other This is due to human nature and the problems of poverty, and others.
The most important factors that cause natural disasters


mpare it with bride preparation.

Traditional music in wedding is playing a big role in our culture. In the past the traditional music continuous singing, and dancing take place reflecting the joy shared by the bride's and the groom's family . Nowadays, we depend in DJ music, but we still kept the traditional of dancing special in man's celebrating.

Another traditional element of the UAE customs is the Arabian Kohl or eyeliner. Nowadays, we can see the make-up with different colors. In the wedding night the simple dress, nowadays, the bride wear a white wedding dress which expensive
depending on it style.


The United Arab Emirates has been a center of trade since ancient times, copper, pearls and oil being some of its most precious commercial commodities. Today, trade is still a central cornerstone of the economy, oil and gas exports remaining an important component as far as exports are concerned. The UAE exports 62 per cent of its crude oil to Japan and gas exports are almost entirely to Japan

Before the discovery of oil, there was very little development in the Arabian Peninsula , and certainly no proper educational system. In 1962, when oil production started in Abu Dhabi , the country had just 20 schools for less than 4,000 students, most of them boys. The country lacked the necessary infrastructure for development (hospitals, proper housing, airports, etc.) as well as qualified human resources.

The discovery of oil provided the necessary finances to improve the education system. This was a high priority for His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the UAE President, who declared: "Youth is the real wealth of the nation." His aim was to use the oil revenue to develop academically and technically qualified citizens - men and women - able to serve their country in its future progress.

When the UAE was established in 1971, education was still largely confined to urban areas, and there were less than 28,000 students in the country. Any student wishing to go beyond secondary education was financed by the government and had to go abroad, sometimes to other Arabic countries, but mainly to England and the United States .

Traditional costumes, one of the oldest art forms and an integral part of the folk culture of any society are usually dictated by a country's climatic and religious requirements, achieving a corresponding level of sophistication in material and elaboration as one climbs the social scale. The UAE corresponds to this pattern but it is unusual in that traditional dress is still the norm rather than relegated to the realms of folklore.

Men traditionally wear an ankle-length, cool, loose-fitting and supremely comfortable garment, the kandoura or dishdash complete with a high neck and long sleeves whilst a headdress, comprised of a skull-cap ( taqia or qahfa ) covered by a long cloth, usually white, ( gutra ) all secured by a wool rope ( al iqal or al ghizam ) wound round the crown , protects the head and neck from the blistering sun. The bisht , a sleeveless flowing black or beige cloak trimmed with gold, whose material depends on the social status of the wearer, is sometimes worn, especially for ceremonial occasions.

The wedding in the UAE consider as an important tradition of the culture. And this tradition developed from the past to present in many ways. We can notice this changing in bride's preparation for her wedding, groom preparation and traditional music.

Bride's preparation in the past it was simple, but now get more complicated and difficult. Bride's preparation for her wedding in the past was really simple it's only contains henna and sorts of traditional oils and perfumes from head to toe. These days the preparation of wedding specially the bride costs much than before. The most effective factor in high price of wedding is the jewelry and Azahba. Anther factor which it is the party of wedding if it in tent it will cost much money, but in hotel is much better to make the party. In the UAE most people like doing their party of wedding in tent which cost much. In the past the party only contains family member, but these days they expand the invitation.

The celebrating of wedding in the past took one week before the wedding night and one of the celebrating is the henna night or Laylat Al Henna which is a very special night for the bride since it is a ladies' night only. The henna night is a time for all the bride's sisters, female family members, and girlfriends to get together and sing and dance. In the present it takes less than week and some time it takes only one day which is wedding day.


Map is an image of the planet, or part of it. Loggerheads maps from aerial photographs in that they contain information and clarify the geographical areas. Called competent science mapping knowledge of maps.
Today you can draw maps, geographic information systems, computer systems,
Also known as a map diagram of a space or area of ​​space with prominent features illustrate the relationship between the items in the decree, such as space objects, areas and landscapes.
There are several types of maps, most notably the political and geographical maps. Political maps focused on clarifying the border between the countries. The geographical maps are competent to clarify aspects of physical geography in regions ,and there many kind of maps such as:Weather maps, Economic maps,Human maps, These maps important for humans.


There are many kinds of activities you can do in your city Especially in my city (Dubai wonderful) .
Dubai now is one of the most developed cities in the world.however,Dubai famous for its nice landmarks like burj khalifah the tallest tower in the world and and dubai mall the biggest mall.
In my free time like At the weekends I Love going to Shopping in Dubai mall ,Festival City,Global Village, I enjoy doing sports so I prefer to go to Parks such as : Zabeel Park ,Dubai Miracle Garden, Dubai Butterfly Garden, Creek park they Providing dolphins Offers ,and so many beautiful parks . I Like playing Golf with my friends in the Dubai Creek Golf .I also enjoy swimming with my Family in the sea such as Jumeirah Beach,and There are many amazing museums such as Dubai Museum, Sometimes I do trips to the desert with my family,and if I got a free time ,I like doing many activities, like reading a novel and going to buy some books such as ,Cookbooks, novels ،Science books and religion from Trade Expo، And other various favorite activities in Dubai ،. I think that Dubai is the most beautiful city and i like it because it is veru enjoyable and intresting city .




البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل

أحدث ملفات أخبار, لغة انجليزية, الفصل الأول
1. مستويات مختلفة من الصعوبة حسب الصف
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2022-12-07 07:56:47
2. تعليمات جديدة بخصوص امتحاني القراءة والكتابة تعدل الوقت
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2020-11-23 09:55:12
3. جدول امتحان الاستماع النهائي لنهاية الفصل الأول
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2020-11-07 07:38:57
4. محتويات الإمتحان النهائي للغة الانجليزية للصفوف من أول إلى رابع
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-11-21 07:00:09
5. نظام الامتحان الوزاري النهائي للصفوف من الخامس حتى الثامن
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-11-20 15:44:54
6. محتويات إمتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الإستماع والقراءة بالوحدات من إلى الرابع
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-11-13 12:39:32
7. جدول اختبار الاستماع لمادة اللغة الانجليزية الفصل الأول
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-11-13 08:50:44
8. عاجل :جدول الإمتحان الوزاري الاستماع لغة انجليزية لجميع الصفوف من 17 نوفمبر إلى 21 نوفمبر
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-11-05 06:37:21
9. كل ما يخص امتحان اللغة الانجليزية يوم الاحد للصفوف الثالث والسادس والتاسع والثاني بقسميه 10062018
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-04-19 19:28:34
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم أخبار, الفصل الأول ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
الامتحانات 230
المدارس 210
أخبار 187
التربية 136
الدوام 80
المناهج 47
الصحة 24
رياضيات 16
التعلم عن بعد 15
اجتماعيات 14
علوم 13
الإمارات 12
لغة عربية 11
تربية اسلامية 8
فيزياء 4
السفر 3
برنامج تمكين 3
تصميم 3
غير ذلك 3
الجامعات 3
كيمياء 3
رياضة 2
الجوائز 2
التعلم 1
مناهج عربية 1
تربية أخلاقية 1
أكثر الكلمات زيارة اليوم بحسب: لغة انجليزية - أخبار - الفصل الأول
guide ️ 1
misc ️ 1
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في أخبار
keys علوم ️ 2
misc لغة انجليزية ️ 1
guide لغة انجليزية ️ 1
sheets اجتماعيات ️ 1
notes تربية اسلامية ️ 1
slides تربية اسلامية ️ 1
english اجتماعيات ️ 1
guide تربية اسلامية ️ 1
misc مناهج عربية ️ 1
misc لغة عربية ️ 1
book رياضيات ️ 1
keys تربية بدنية ️ 1
misc التربية ️ 1
misc لغة انجليزية ️ 1
english برنامج تمكين ️ 1
final لغة انجليزية ️ 1
final علوم ️ 1
keys رياضيات ️ 1

أحدث ملفات أخبار
1. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024/2025, حل مباشر للسؤال الخامس من الأسئلة الوزارية: حل تفصيلي لإيجاد قيمتَي الجيب (ساين - sin) والظل (تانجان - tan) لزاوية في مثلث قائم معلوم أطوال أضلاعه
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 167
2. التربية, الفصل الثاني, 2019-2020, وزارة التربية والتعليم تقوّم مبادرة التعلم عن بعد بعد أسبوع من انطلاقها
قبل 4 سنوات | المشاهدات: 2853
3. الامتحانات, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, شائعات حول تطبيق نظام الفصلين ولا تعليق رسمي
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 3785
4. التربية, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, 12 مدرسة خاصة جديدة مجانية للطلبة المواطنين في أبوظبي
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 3946
5. التربية, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, وزن امتحان نهاية من علامة الطالب الكلية ٢٠١٩
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 1858
6. التربية, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, تعيين موعد وشروط التحاق المواطنين وأبناء المواطنات بمؤسسات التعليم العالي 2019
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 1926
7. الامتحانات, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, الدليل الشامل الرسمي لتطبيق الامتحانات (استمرار العمل بسؤال البونص) وتحديثات جديدة
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 2739
8. التربية, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, امرأة لاتينية تثير الارتباك داخل مدرسة في البرشاء
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 1293
9. الامتحانات, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, انصراف الطلبة في امتحان نهاية وبقائهم في امتحانات الفصل الأول
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 3347
10. الدوام, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, التقويم المدرسي 2019,2020 لمدارس التعليم والمدراس الخاصة المطبقة لمنهاج وزارة التربية والتعليم
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 32485
11. الدوام, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, بقاء الطلبة في المدرسة بعد الامتحانات وعدم منحهم فرصة الاعادة في الفصل الأول
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 13224
12. الامتحانات, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, 30 الجاري ختام امتحانات نهاية
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 5327
13. التربية, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, وزارة التربية تحذر من تداول الشائعات والأخبار المغلوطة
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 1800
14. غير ذلك, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, وزارة التربية : مايتم تداوله بشأن اقتصار الاختبارات النهائية الخاصة بمادتي العلوم والرياضيات على مقررات الفصل الثالث فقط غير صحيح.
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 4892
15. الدوام, الفصل الثالث, 2018-2019, تنويه لخريجي الثانوية الدراسية من السنوات السابقة
قبل 5 سنوات | المشاهدات: 4138
للمزيد من ملفات أخبار

أحدث ملفات أخبار, تربية أخلاقية, الفصل الأول
1. تحميل كتاب الطالب لمادة التربية الاخلاقية للصفوف من الأول وحتى التاسع
تاريخ ووقت الإضافة: 2019-04-19 19:28:34
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم أخبار, الفصل الأول ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
الامتحانات 230
المدارس 210
أخبار 187
التربية 136
الدوام 80
المناهج 47
الصحة 24
رياضيات 16
التعلم عن بعد 15
اجتماعيات 14
علوم 13
الإمارات 12
لغة عربية 11
لغة انجليزية 10
تربية اسلامية 8
فيزياء 4
السفر 3
برنامج تمكين 3
غير ذلك 3
الجامعات 3
تصميم 3
كيمياء 3
رياضة 2
الجوائز 2
التعلم 1
مناهج عربية 1