اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM - المناهج الإماراتية
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اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM

Test Number 318
الصف الثاني عشر
Subject: لغة انجليزية
الفصل الثالث
Points 100
Publishing date 2024-07-22 18:13:26
Views: 114
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اختبار الكتروني في ENGLISH MOCK EXAM

Exam Overview for ENGLISH MOCK EXAM

The English Mock Exam for the 12th grade, titled "ENGLISH MOCK EXAM," is designed to assess students' understanding and application of various English language skills. This comprehensive exam includes multiple sections that cover reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and functional language use.

Reading Comprehension:

The reading comprehension section features passages that test students' abilities to understand and interpret written texts. Students are required to answer questions related to the main ideas, details, and inferences from the passages. For example, students may read about the Al Dhafra Festival and answer questions that gauge their understanding of the festival's events, significance, and cultural impact.

Vocabulary and Grammar:

In the vocabulary and grammar sections, students demonstrate their knowledge of English word meanings, sentence structures, and grammatical rules. These sections include multiple-choice questions where students choose the correct word or phrase to complete sentences accurately. This helps in assessing their command over the language's syntax and lexicon.

Functional Language:

The functional language section evaluates students' ability to use English in real-life contexts. Questions in this section may involve selecting appropriate responses in given scenarios, expressing preferences, or describing routines and habits. This part of the exam ensures that students can effectively communicate in English in everyday situations.

Source: Almanahj.com

1) Read the text and answer questions 1-5. For each question choose A, B, C or D. فيديو الشرح والتوضيح
If you’re looking for an Arabian experience, a lot of fun and many exciting things to do, then come to the Al Dhafra Festival. It happens every December in the desert in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This event was started 10 years ago so that Emiratis could celebrate their traditional Bedouin culture. There are many events at Al Dhafra, including a classic car competition, Arabian horse race, and sheep beauty competition. There is also photography, a children’s village, best dates and dates packaging competitions. Or you could visit the big souk or a falcon beauty show. The most important event is Camel Mazayan – a beauty contest for camels. The judges are looking for big camels with big heads, long necks, long bodies, big humps and backs. The beauty competition includes two types of camels– the yellow Asayel from Oman, and the black Majahim from Saudi Arabia. There are many prizes you can win, such as trucks and there’s also a lot of money to win. The total prize money for the competition is about Dh46 million and includes 198 cars. But be careful—there are thousands of people competing for these prizes! If you want something new and exciting to do with your family, take them to the Al Dhafra festival. There is truly something for everyone
What does the writer say about the festival in the first paragraph? Points: 1
2) What is the topic of the second paragraph? Points: 1
3) What is Camel Mazayan? Points: 1
4) The most beautiful camels _____________. Points: 1
5) What does the writer warn people about? Points: 1
6) What does the writer say about the festival in the first paragraph? Points: 1
7) Read the text and decide whether the sentences are True or False. فيديو الشرح
My exchange trip to South Korea! I’m Ali. I was born in Fujairah, but I have lived in Abu Dhabi for most of my life. Last year, I went to South Korea on a student-exchange program for one month. It was an amazing experience, but it is very different from the UAE. South Korea is a beautiful country with a lot of trees and flowers. I visited in September, which is autumn. The weather was cool and all the trees turned different shades of brown, yellow and orange. I loved the weather and all the beautiful colours. One of the biggest differences was the school hours. In South Korea, high school starts at 8 am and finishes at 4pm, but that is not the end! There are extra study hours where students sit quietly and study for two hours or more after school. After that, some students go to private schools for more studying! Another thing that was very different for me was the food. In South Korea, it is normal to have rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I tried some delicious Korean food, and my favourite was egg ramyeon, which is noodles with fried egg and vegetables. It was one of the best dishes I’ve ever had. The best yet most difficult thing I learned to do was eat with chopsticks!
Ali lives in Fujairah. Points: 1
8) Ali went on an exchange program to South Korea. Points: 1
9) South Korea was warm and sunny with many trees. Points: 1
10) Even though many things were different, school was the same. Points: 1
11) Students in Korea leave school at 4pm. Points: 1
12) Ali learned how to eat with chopsticks. Points: 1
13) Read the poster and the email.
From: Issa To: Omar Hi Omar! Have you seen the poster about the new karate club at school? I really think we should join! I’ve wanted to try karate since I was in grade 1! It really sounds exciting, especially because we can do it together. You and I can practice and become professionals! I think many of our classmates are going to be interested in this club. I hear that there are different belts for different levels, including red, yellow, white and of course black! I think this will be very good exercise for us. Because it will help with our coordination, we will be better at football, too! I’ve already asked my parents and they said I could join the club. Don’t forget to ask yours. I can’t wait until we start our first practice. It’s going to be so much fun! Let’s go together next Sunday. I’ll meet you in the school gym at 2:30pm. See you then!
Issa Omar’s notes Karate Club Person to contact: --------------------------
Points: 1
14) Price to join karate club: Points: 1
15) Practice days every week: Points: 1
16) Can improve: Points: 1
17) Place to meet Issa: Points: 1
الكلمات الرائجة اليوم في الصف الثاني عشر
book فيزياء ️ 11
notes فيزياء ️ 7
exams لغة عربية ️ 7
guide لغة انجليزية ️ 6
notes علوم ️ 6
book رياضيات ️ 6
sheets علوم ️ 6
english رياضيات ️ 5
متوقعة لغة عربية ️ 5
الدليل الامتحانات ️ 5
حل علوم صحية ️ 5
المسارات تربية اسلامية ️ 5
guide رياضيات ️ 5
final لغة انجليزية ️ 5
final رياضيات ️ 5
final رياضيات ️ 4
الانجليزية لغة انجليزية ️ 4
الهيكل فيزياء ️ 4
book لغة عربية ️ 4
final فيزياء ️ 4

أحدث ملفات الصف الثاني عشر
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2. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل مراجعة كاملة منهج بريدج الخطة C
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3. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, تجميعة أسئلة وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج بريدج الخطة M
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4. اجتماعيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة أسئلة تدريبية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 227
5. اجتماعيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أوراق عمل مراجعة مهارات وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 359
6. علوم, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أوراق عمل مراجعة وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج انسباير
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 335
7. اجتماعيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مجموعة نماذج اختبارات نهائية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 449
8. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل مراجعة نهائية وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج بريدج
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9. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مراجعة نهائية وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج بريدج
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10. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل ملزمة أسئلة وفق الهيكل الوزاري منهج بريدج
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11. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, بعض حلول تجميعة أسئلة وفق الهيكل الوزاري القسم الالكتروني
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 143
12. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, حل بالخطوات أسئلة امتحان نهائي سابق القسم الالكتروني
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 269
13. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, مجموعة اختبارات نهائية تجريبية القسم الورقي منهج ريفيل
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 174
14. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, نماذج إجابات أسئلة الامتحانات التجريبية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
قبل 1 أسبوع | المشاهدات: 155
15. رياضيات, الفصل الثاني, 2024-2025, أسئلة الامتحانات التجريبية وفق الهيكل الوزاري
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للمزيد من ملفات الصف الثاني عشر
البحث عن ملف بحسب الدولة و الصف والمادة والفصل
هل تريد ملفات لمادة أخرى لقسم الصف الثاني عشر, الفصل الثالث ؟ اخترها
اسم المادةعدد الملفات
لغة عربية 89
تربية اسلامية 64
علوم صحية 52
اجتماعيات 37
تصميم 15
الامتحانات 14
فيزياء 7
رياضيات 5
كيمياء 4
علوم 4
أخبار 3
الدوام 2
التربية 1